About John Hamel

Posts by John Hamel:

New Podcasts – Free to ADVIP Members!

Two new posts have been added to the list of free podcasts for Fall, 2018.  If you were not already aware about these podcasts, here is the complete list so far.  As an ADVIP member, you have access to all of them.  Just use the password that you were given when you joined our organization.  If you forgot your password, let me know and I will help you.

John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW

FALL 2017

Podcast #1 (FREE TO THE PUBLIC).
Title: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Treatment in IPV Intervention: The Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs.
Guest: John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW.

Podcast #2
Title: The Role of Attachment in Understanding and Treating Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators
Guest: Daniel Sonkin, Ph.D., LMFT.

WINTER 2017/2018
Podcast #3
Title: Intimate Partner Violence in Latin America: Research Findings and Implications for Intervention and Policy
Guest: Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoventa, Ph.D.

Podcast #4
Title: The Strength at Home Program: An evidence-based intervention for veterans
Guest: Casey Taft, Ph.D.

Podcast #5
Title: IPV and Substance Abuse: Strategies for Effective Intervention
Guest: Ronald Potter-Effron, Ph.D., MSW.

Podcast #6 (FREE TO THE PUBLIC).
Title: Working with Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence
Guest: Clare Cannon, Ph.D.

FALL 2018
Podcast #7
Title: The Fathers for Change Program
Guest: Carla Stover, Ph.D.

Title: Interventions with Couples
Guest: Sandra Stith, Ph.D

Batterer Intervention Training Video

ADVIP Colleagues:

Recently, legislation has been proposed that would amend California PC 1203.097, the current statute that specifies how BIPs should be implemented and regulated, so that current interventions are more empirically sound, based on the best research evidence. Some states, such as Colorado, have already established evidence-based guidelines for assessment and intervention, but most others have not, and the term “evidence-based-practice” has not always been clearly understood or defined, raising concerns among some victim advocates and intervention providers.

The purpose of my new video, “Batterer intervention groups:  Moving forward with evidence-based practice,” is to shed light on these issues, so that stakeholders work together to make batterer intervention In this video, I present my 8-hour STC-approved training to an audience of certified batterer intervention providers in Oakland, California. The video, based on the most recent empirical research as well as my 25 years conducting and supervising batterer intervention groups in California, is divided into 5 parts:

Part One: Batterer Intervention Today
Part One: Batterer Intervention Today (Conclusion)
Part Two: Evidence-Based Practice
Part Three: Finding Common Ground
Part Four: Moving Forward

The video is available for online viewing or download. Go to www.domesticviolencetrainings.org. You have the option of taking the optional quiz for 8 CEUs.

“John Hamel’s course, Batterer Intervention Groups: Moving Forward with Evidence-Based Practice, is an outstanding class on the treatment of male and female perpetrators of intimate violence. It includes 8 hours of video presentations on up-to-date research findings and their clinical applications. Every treatment provider should take this class and learn to increase the effectiveness of their treatment model.”
– Daniel Jay Sonkin, Ph.D., MFT, Authot of Learning to Live Without Violence.
“This video is excellent and an ideal teaching tool. The video engaged me from the outset. It was easy to follow and had a good flow. I absolutely agree with so many of your points; in particular I am in agreement with the fact that evidence-based treatment is a collective experience, and requires cooperation among all stakeholders – including BIPs, victim advocates, researchers, and the judicial system.”
– Tom Caplan, Ph.D., LCSW, McGill University, Montreal.

2018 Conference Power Points Now Available

The 2018 World Conference was a great success.  A number of ADVIP members who attended the conference, and many who did not, have requested that the conference presentations be made available on our website.  With permission from the presenters, I have put their Power Point slides up on our website.  Just go to the home page and click on the 2018 conference link.  Please note that it may take another week or so before the Lawrence slides are available.

Podcasts:  Several new podcasts have been recorded and will soon be available on our site.  Tell your colleagues to join ADVIP, so they can access this exciting series!

Podcasts Now Available!

Finally, the first two podcasts in ADVIP’s new series of podcasts on IPV are available on our website.  More podcasts will be added within the next month, and afterwards on an ongoing basis.  Some of the podcasts, such as podcast #1, will be available to the general public, but most, including podcast #2, will only be available to ADVIP members.

If you are an ADVIP member, you will be able to listen to all of the ADVIP-only podcasts simply by entering a password.  This is the same membership default password you received when you originally joined our organization.  If you have forgotten that password, send me an e-mail and I will re-send that password to you.  You need it to post to the blog pages, and to obtain discounts on the peer-reviewed scholarly journals, Partner Abuse and Violence and Victims.

If you are among the first few dozen or so ADVIP members who joined for free, please consider formally joining our organization by paying your membership dues.  We are in need of additional funds to pay for our website maintenance, including the new podcast series.  We will honor the previous $75.00 membership rate (it has since gone up to $125.00).

Meanwhile, please tell your colleagues about ADVIP, and urge them to join!

We hope you enjoy these podcasts.  Your comments would be appreciated.  We will see some of you at the conference later this week!

John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW, ADVIP founder.

Free Podcasts Coming Soon!

I am very excited to announce that, beginning in July, ADVIP will sponsor a series of original podcasts on topics related to intimate partner violence, with a focus on issues related to treatment.  If you have an expertise in a particular area of IPV and would like to take part in an upcoming podcast, contact John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW, at johnmhamel@comcast.net.

ADVIP International Conference July 14!

There is still plenty of time left to register for the 2018 ADVIP International Conference:  “Moving Forward with Evidence-Based Practice,” to be held July 14, 2018 a the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Scheduled for the ADVIP July 14 conference are presentations from some of the world’s leading domestic violence scholars, including Chris Murphy, Erika Lawrence, Julia Babcock, and Arthur Cantos. The focus this year will be on the movement towards evidence-based practice, and how research can better inform domestic violence intervention with perpetrators. Included will be presentations on differential treatment, addressing the needs of specific populations (e.g., women, trauma victims), finding common ground across treatment models, and working within one-size-fits-all standards. The afternoon program will explore a new treatment model, based on principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as the Colorado Model of intervention. Our conference concludes with a panel presentation on existing political and policy obstacles to evidence-based treatment – including resistance to the couples format, a proven, effective modality.

Hope to see you there!


2018 ADVIP International Conference – July 14, Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)

Dear ADVIP Members:

As you know, the Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (ADVIP) consists of mental health professionals, batterer intervention providers, and research scholars dedicated to evidence-based practice worldwide. ADVIP is an international organization, with members in 17 countries. Since 2013, members have networked with one another and shared research, news and clinical experiences on our organization’s website, www.domesticviolenceintervention.net. This year’s international conference will prove to be a special one.

For more information about the conference, or to register, go to our home page at www.domesticviolenceintervention.net and click on the link on the home page.  ALL ADVIP MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED A SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT ON THE REGISTRATION FEE!

(NOTE: Following our conference, at the same location, is the Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. This is a separate event, requiring separate registration For more information, go to: https://cola.unh.edu/frl/conference)

Scheduled for the ADVIP July 14 conference are presentations from some of the world’s leading domestic violence scholars, including Chris Murphy, Erika Lawrence, Julia Babcock, and Arthur Cantos. The focus this year will be on the movement towards evidence-based practice, and how research can better inform domestic violence intervention with perpetrators. Included will be presentations on differential treatment, addressing the needs of specific populations (e.g., women, trauma victims), finding common ground across treatment models, and working within one-size-fits-all standards. The afternoon program will explore a new treatment model, based on principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as the Colorado Model of intervention. Our conference concludes with a panel presentation on existing political and policy obstacles to evidence-based treatment – including resistance to the couples format, a proven, effective modality.


2018 ADVIP World Conference Call for Papers


Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
2018 World Conference:

“Moving Towards Evidence Based Practice”

Saturday, July 14, 2016, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sheraton Harborside Hotel
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Submission deadline: March 3, 2018.

(Preceding the July 15-17 Family Research Laboratory International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference at the same location.)

ADVIP, the Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs, consists of mental health professionals, batterer intervention providers, and research scholars dedicated to evidence-based practice worldwide, with members in 17 countries. Since 2013, members have networked with one another and shared research, news and clinical experiences on our organization’s website, www.battererintervention.org. This is our second general conference, to be held Saturday, July 14, between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, prior to the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Conference.*

This year, we are looking for papers on the effectiveness of domestic violence perpetrator programs, also known as batterer intervention programs(BIPs), throughout the world. We seek research papers, as well as descriptions of promising programs and case studies. Presentations will vary in length, from 20-45 minutes.

SUBMISSIONS: Send a one-page proposal, no later than March 3, 2018, to John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW, at johnmhamel@comcast.net, with: (1) your name, contact information and credentials as either a domestic violence researcher, treatment provider, or both; (2) your curriculum vitae, if available; and (3) a summary of the paper. Note: Clinical papers MUST include information and relevant references, regarding the evidence base for the program you are describing. Anyone may submit, but priority will be given to submissions by ADVIP members. If you are not already a member, go to www.battererintervention.org and click on the “JOIN ADVIP” link on the home page.
* A separate entity ( https://cola.unh.edu/frl/conference ), not formally affiliated with ADVIP.
Conference Chair: John Hamel, Ph.D, LCSW
(415) 472-3275 San Francisco Bay Area, CA