About John Hamel

Posts by John Hamel:

Alternative Behavior Choices – Evidence Based Batterer Intervention

I am pleased to announce that my Alternative Behavior Choices Program for batterer intervention has been deemed “evidence-based” by the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare, at:  https://www.cebc4cw.org/program/alternative-behavior-choices-abc/

The Alternative Behavior Choices curriculum is currently used by dozens of agencies throughout the United States.  The Client Workbook and Facilitator Manual are avaialble at www.JohnHamel.net.  Just go to the bottom of the home page and click on the link at the bottom, where the ABC book cover is located.

If you want to know more about ABC and the evidence base upon which it was designed, contact me at johnmhamel@comcast.net


Your Feedback on ADVIP Podcast Series

For nearly two years now, I have been fortunate to having conducted numerous interviews with some of the world’s most respected IPV researchers.  These interviews are available for all ADVIP members for free as part of our podcast series.

I would love your feedback on these podcasts.  Soon, I hope to make some of them available on iTunes and other platforms, and it would be good for marketing purposes if I could get some endorsements.

So, what are some of your favorites?  Please share your thoughts with the rest of us!


John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW

2019 ADVIP/UC Davis/Tulane University Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Suvey

I am pleased to announce that preliminary results of our recent nationwide survey of domestic violence perpetrator treatment programs (what many of us call batterer intervention programs, or BIPs), are now available on the ADVIP website.  These preliminary findings were presented by myself, John Hamel, and my colleague, Clare Cannon from U.C. Davis, at the recent IVAT conference in San Diego.

Our findings are, on the whole, quite positive, and show that there is a much greater approval among providers for evidence-based practice than ever before, even among practitioners of Duluth and other gender-based approaches.  There also appears to be a great deal of approval for what we, at ADVIP, are trying to do in terms of disseminating up-to-date research.

Just go to www.domesticviolenceintervention.net and click on the survey results link on the home page.

IVAT San Diego 24th International Summit and BIP Survey Results

The 24th International Summit on Violence, Abuse & Trauma is scheduled for September 5th through September 8th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in La Jolla, just outside San Diego.  This is the largest annual IPV-related conference in the world, and well worth attending.  I have presented there numerous times.  In contrast to the International Family Violence & Child Victimization Conference, held every two years in New Hampshire, where our own ADVIP conference also meets and which is primarily attended by researchers, the San Diego conference is attended mostly by front-line practitioners, including BIPs and victim advocates.

Notice!  Two ADVIP members, myself and Clare Cannon of U.C. Davis, will be presenting on Saturday, September 7, with preliminary results from our recent BIP survey, which includes information about our organization!  For more information, and/or to register, go to:  https://www.ivatcenters.org/san-diego-summit


Research to Policy

Dear ADVIP Members:

I just received this invitation from a researcher at the University of Alabama.

My name is Jenna and I work with Taylor Scott at the Research to Policy collaboration. https://www.research2policy.org/participating-researchers
We are currently working to expand our network of researchers to help us respond to congressional interests in domestic violence. We work to connect researchers to congressional staff based on shared interests and knowledge areas. As a part of this, we pair and prepare — including trainings and hands-on coaching and guidance on how to work with policymakers.
I am writing to you to see if you would be willing to send an email on our behalf to your domestic violence research group?
Please let me know if this is something you would be willing to do or if you have any questions!
Thank you!
Jenna Reardanz, M.A.
Doctoral Student
Research-to-Policy Intern
The University of Alabama
Department of Psychology
IDD Research | Peer Relations Research

Call for Papers – Program Descriptions and Case Studies Needed

Dear ADVIP Colleague:

The peer-reviewed journal Partner Abuse (https://www.springerpub.com/partner-abuse.html) offers cutting-edge research on abuse between dating, married and cohabitating partners, and features articles on innovative, promising treatment programs. We are especially interested in securing clinical case studies with perpetrators, victims or both, that illustrate in greater detail how your treatment approach works with a particular individual or family. Case studies bring what might otherwise be dry information to life, helping the clinician to integrate research and intervention and better understand the treatment process

We accept case studies involving male and/or female clients in individual, group, couples or family therapy, or any combination. If you are interested in submitting a case study, please let me know. Submission guidelines are attached.

You can send submissions by going to: https://www.editorialmanager.com/pa/default.aspx


John Hamel, LCSW
Editor-in-Chief, Partner Abuse

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Abuse Survey Update

The Simmons University’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences recently sent ADVIP a link to some newish statistics on IPV, from the NISVS data.  Pretty reliable.  You can find this information at:


A much more comprehensive data based is the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project, at www.domesticviolenceresearch.org


Free Domestic Violence Webinar

I was recently invited by the Association of British Social Workers to participate in a webinar on domestic violence prevention and treatment.  We discussed a variety of topics of interest to ADVIP members.  The approximately 90 minute webinar is now available for free to anyone who is interested.  Go to:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MuwPm_mPug&list=PLUKxAUfL3QVRdEAKzsFRj9wlREhhO4ivr&index=11.

John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW

New: Free Quarterly Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles!

ADVIP Members:

I am very pleased to announce that my contacts at Springer, publisher of the scholarly journal, Partner Abuse, have agreed to let ADVIP members download copies of one complimentary article each quarter.  If you go to our website, and click on the MEMBER BENEFITS section, look for the link to the journal discounts and free articles.  You will need to put in your ADVIP password, which is: evidence12.  I have gone ahead and back-dated several articles, so there are actually 4 articles available to you (see below). One new article will be available each quarter the next one in January, 2019.  And don’t forget about the great new podcast series, also available for free through the MEMBER BENEFITS area.  The latest podcast with Sandra Stith on couples counseling, is fantastic!

Quarterly Selections from the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Partner Abuse

FALL 2018
Vol. 9, Number 4: A phenomenological inquiry into men’s desistance from intimate partner
Vol. 9, No. 3: Patterns in controlling coercive behaviors among men mandated for batterer treatment.
Vol. 9, No. 2: Attachment security priming and domestic violence: Augmenting biopsychological treatment of perpetrators.
WINTER 2017-2018
Vol. 9, No. 1: Intimate partner perpetration: Moving toward a comprehensive conceptual framework.