About David Wexler


David B. Wexler, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Diego and Executive Director of the non-profit Relationship Training Institute. Dr. Wexler has authored an internationally-recognized domestic violence treatment manual: the revised and updated STOP Program—Third Edition was released by W.W. Norton in 2013. He has also recently published the ground-breaking STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse (Norton, 2016). RTI has trained thousands of community professionals, military personnel, and law enforcement officials throughout the world through extensive training seminars on The STOP Program model for treatment of domestic violence. Dr. Wexler may be contacted at www.RTIprojects.org.

Posts by David Wexler:


“Men and Women Who Abuse: Understanding and Treating Domestic Violence in the 21st Century”


This live Webinar training, featuring the “STOP Program” treatment model, has been acclaimed internationally for outstanding integration of contemporary theory, research, and practice in the complex and quickly-changing world of DV intervention. This 3.5 day workshop provides a complete overview of the field of domestic violence, with specific training in group treatment and intervention.

David B. Wexler, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the Relationship Training Institute, which has provided group treatment services for more than 60,000 military and civilian DV offenders. Dr. Wexler has offered extensive training seminars on The STOP Program model throughout the world. He is the author of STOP Domestic Violence–Fourth Edition, The STOP Program-For Women Who Abuse, and many other books and articles about relationships in conflict. Dr. Wexler received the Distinguished Contribution to Psychology award from the California Psychological Association.

$395 (+ $170 for 17.0 CE hours)
(Group discount of 20% for 6 or more registrants from same agency or organization)

Thurs Jun 8 2023

Fri Jun 9 2023

Thurs Jun 15 2023

Fri Jun 16 2023

Gp to www.RTIprojects.org for registration

The STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse

It used to be that, when we trained mental health professionals, probation officers, victims’ programs, attorneys, and correctional officers all over the world, we had to convince people there was such a thing as female domestic violence.

But over the past decade, the landscape has shifted—and instead we hear pleas everywhere for a quality treatment program for women who abuse that is specifically targeted to women’s issues.

So, after years of pilot group testing, integrating rapidly emerging new research trends, and borrowing from the tremendous success of “The STOP Program for Men” (now in its Third Edition, published by Norton in 2013), this new treatment program was hatched: “The STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse” (Norton, 2016), focusing on innovative strategies for women who abuse their partners.

Like the men’s manual, this new program integrates contemporary interventions and client-centered guidelines to successfully treat domestic violence offenders—who happen to be female.

This program is timed to address the rapidly increasing awareness of female domestic violence and need for quality treatment services. Developed and field-tested for over twenty-five years among military and civilian populations internationally, this program offers therapists, social workers, and other counselors a new level of sound, psychologically-based interventions that actually reach the very women who often seem so unapproachable in a treatment setting.

Presented in a 26-week or 52-week psychoeducational format, “The STOP Program: For Women Who Abuse” is packed with updated skills, training exercises, articles, video clips, handouts, homework, and other resources–that push participants to examine the complex roles of trauma, emotional dysregulation, self-esteem deficits, and history of personal victimization in their relationship problems. And the program gives them new tools to manage these unique issues.

This manual includes many of the same sessions as the original STOP Program for men, with appropriate changes in pronouns, vignettes, and examples. We also have developed and integrated new material specifically dealing with issues that contemporary research and our clinical experience indicate are especially relevant for female offenders: victimization (and rationalization) issues, assertiveness vs. aggression issues, shame, grief and loss, parenting and co-parenting, boundary violations, emotional self-management and dysregulation issues, jealousy, self-esteem issues, gender rules and gender roles, and need for social support.

We are offering training workshops in this new model throughout the world. COME JOIN US IN OCT 2016 FOR THE TWO-DAY “STOP PROGRAM: FOR WOMEN WHO ABUSE” CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO. For more info, go to www.RTIprojects.org

And if any of you are doing similar work, please let us know so we can all share and learn.

David B. Wexler, Ph.D.