ADVIP Member Directory

ADVIP members include researchers with an expertise in the field of partner and family abuse, or provide direct intervention services to perpetrators and have indicated a commitment to evidence-based practice. Both members and non-members can view the membership directory.  Individuals with a Full Membership to ADVIP  can write posts to our blog pages and enjoy other benefits not available to individuals with a Limited Membership.  To become a member, or to upgrade membership from Limited Member to Full Member, go to the JOIN ADVIP link on the home page.

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In this Searchable Master List, you may click on member’s name to view their full profile page containing information about their location, background, training, intervention services and research interests.  In the member’s profile page, you can click on the country, state, province or city to view all other members in those categories.

There are two additional search boxes.  The one on the left allows you to find members according to their status as either Researcher or Provider.    The box on the right allows you to conduct a more refined search, to find members by city, state or province, research interests (e.g., domestic violence risk factors, motivation, impact on children) or clinical services and modalities (e.g., batterer groups, parenting programs, substance abuse treatment, etc.).  Keep in mind that some profile data can be entered in multiple ways , so if a search in unsuccessful try a related keyword – for example, “group counseling” instead of “group therapy,” “LGBTQ” instead of “LGBT,” and so forth.  

An additional Master List of all ADVIP members organized by country can be found on this page.




  • The results are being filtered by the country: Canada

Mr Javier Ariza (Montreal, Canada) Provider

Photo of Mr Javier Ariza
PRO-GAAM Work 1453 Rue Beaubien #205 Montreal Quebec H2G3C6 Canada Home Phone: 514 442 2192
Professional Background

I am a registered psychologist in Montreal (Canada). For the last seven (7) years I have been working at PRO-GAM with men who have been accused of committing conjugal violence. Most of these clients are refereed by the court. Usually therapy is part of their conditions. Some other men consult our services on a volunteer basis. As a clinician, I believe in the complexity of multiple factors that may interplay in human beings at the moment of using any type of violence. I also believe in the importance of offering a non judgemental space in order to facilitate a good therapeutic alliance with our clients.

Throughout my unfinished and continious observations and experience working with men who have used any type of violence in their relationships, I conclude that many of these men are in relationships where violence is often bidirectional. That many of these men have been carrying with themselves pain and fears since they were infants. Others seem to exhibit some personality disorder traits. But most importantly, most of them experience regrets and willingness to change.

I support and believe in the work that mental health practitioners can provide to these men and I value very much our work. This is not easy. I hope we keep the team work

Mr Steven Bélanger (Montréal, Canada) Provider

PRO-GAM Work 1453, rue Beaubien Est, #205 Montréal Québec H2G 3C6 Canada Work Phone: 514-270-8462 Birthday: November 15, 1953

Mr Normand Brodeur (Québec, Canada) Researcher

Photo of Mr Normand Brodeur
Université LavalSchool of social work and criminology Work École de travail social et de criminologie Université Laval 1030 Avenue des Sciences-Humaines, bureau 5444 Québec Quebec G1V 0A6 CanadaHome Quebec Canada

Tom Caplan (Montreal, Canada) Provider

Photo of Tom Caplan
McGill UniversitySchool of Social Work Home 5845 Cote des Neiges Suite 440 Montreal Quebec H3S 1Z4 Canada Work Phone: 514-737-7208
Professional Background

Tom Caplan, M.S., M.A., M.S.W., P.S.W., I.C.A.D.C., A.A.M.F.T. 

Adjunct Professor: McGill University School of Social Work

Director and Supervisor:  McGill Domestic Violence Clinic

Director and Supervisor: Montreal Anger Management Centre

Director: Caplan Therapy Training Centre

Clinical Director: Caplan Therapy Centre

CERTIFICATIONS / SPECIALIZATIONS: Marriage and Family Therapy Supervisor, Psychotherapy, Domestic Violence, Forensic, Substance Abuse, Violence

Private Practitioner

Faculty – Argyle Institute of Human Relations

Clinician – MFT for Cree Patient Services 

            Tom Caplan, MSW is a social worker in private practice who works with individuals, couples, families and groups.  He is an Adjunct Professor at McGill University in the School of Social Work and director and supervisor of the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic.  He is also a designated expert in Domestic Violence for the Quebec Court System. Tom does clinical work with forensic populations, is the Clinical Director of the Caplan Therapy Centre and is the founder and supervisor of the Montreal Anger Management Centre. Tom is on the faculty of the Argyle Institute of Human Relations. Tom works at home and away as a couple and family therapist for Cree Patient Services. Tom also presents workshops, gives trainings and lectures in universities, junior colleges and local community centers. He has participated in research projects in collaboration with McGill University, Concordia University, the Jewish General Hospital and the Douglas Hospital. Tom is on the editorial board of Social Work with Groups, is a certified marriage and family therapist and a certified marriage and family therapy supervisor (A.A.M.F.T.), an internationally certified alcohol and drug counsellor (I.C.A.D.C.), a licensed psychotherapist (OPQ Psychotherapeute) and a member of the Professional Order of Social Workers of Quebec (OPTSQ).

Services or Research Projects

Research: The Needs ABC Model for Coupes and Families in cooperation with the university of Alabama.

Director and Supervisor of the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic.

Marriage and Family Therapy – and Supervision

Behaviour Management.

Adjunct Professor McGill University School of Social Work.


Dr. Rebecca Cobb (Burnaby, Canada) Researcher

DrPsychology Home Burnaby British Columbia Canada

Louis Crust (Toronto, Canada) Provider

Home 166 Wilson Avenue #409 Toronto M5M 3A6 Canada Home Phone: (416) 912-1057

Jean-Martin Deslauriers (Ottawa, Canada) Researcher

Photo of Jean-Martin Deslauriers
University of OtttawaSchool of Social Work Work 120, rue Université Ottawa Ontario K1N 6N5 Canada Cell Phone: 819-921-7223
Professional Background

Jean-Martin Deslauriers is a professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa where he teaches psychosocial and group intervention methods and theory. As a social worker, he has worked with men with violent behaviors and offered supervision to therapists in this field. In addition, he has worked in a program for young parents. He is currently directing research projects on best practices with men, precocious fatherhood, separated fathers and men with violent behavior.

Don Dutton , Ph.D. (Vancouver, Canada) Researcher

University of British ColumbiaDepartment of Psychology Work Vancouver British Columbia Canada Work Phone: (604)822-4594 Website: http://

Dr. Barbara Fisher-Townsend (Fredericton, Canada) Researcher

University of New BrunswickSociology Home 7 Duke Street Fredericton New Brunswick E3A 4J4 Canada Home Phone: 506-801-2065 Website: The RAVE Project (Religion and Violence e-learning)
Professional Background

Ph.D. Sociology, University of New Brunswick

Selected Publications:

Fisher-Townsend, B., N. Nason-Clark, L. Ruff, and N. Murphy.  “I am not violent:  Men’s experience in group” in Beyond Abuse in the Christian Home:  Raising voices for change, edited by C. Clark Kroeger, N. Nason-Clark and B. Fisher-Townsend, 78-99.  Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2008.

N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend, S. McMullin, and C. Holtmann, “Life stories of religious men who act abusively:  Elements of the coordinated community response” in Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse:  Churches and their Leaders look to the future, edited by N. Nason-Clark, B. Fisher-Townsend and V. Fahlberg, 40-64.  Eugene, OR:  Wipf and Stock, 2013.

N. Nason-Clark, N. Murphy, B. Fisher-Townsend and L. Ruff. “An overview of the characteristics of the clients at a faith-based batterers’ interventin program.”  Journal of Religion and Abuse 5.4(2003): 51-72.

N. Nason-Clark and B. Fisher-Townsend.  Men who Batter.  Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Kelsey Harford (Oakville, Canada) Provider

Radius Child & Youth ServicesYouth Dating Violence Intervention Program Work 60 Lakeshore Rd W Oakville ON L6K 1E1 CanadaWork 1 Eva Rd Suite 216 Etobicoke Ontario M9C 4Z5 Canada Cell Phone: 6473248037 Work Phone: 1 855-744-9001 Work Phone: 416-744-9000 Home Phone: 905-825-3242 Work Fax: 905-825-3276 Work Fax: 416-744-7776

Nicole Hinks (Fort McMurray, Canada) Provider, Researcher

Waypoints Home 73 B Centennial Drive Fort McMurray Alberta T9H1J5 Canada

Mr. Jamie B. Hodgson (Brockville, Canada) Provider

Leeds Grenville Mental Health Services Work 25 Front Ave., West Brockville Ontario K6V 4J7 Canada
Professional Background

I have worked with a community based domestic violence treatment program for 20+ years.  I have also worked as a facilitator of d/v treatment programs inside Canada’s Federal Penitentiary system in Kingston Onatrio for approx. 4 years.

Dr Lesley Ann Lambo (Baie d’Urfe, Canada) Researcher

Concordia UniversitySociology and Anthropology Home 64 Somerset Baie d’Urfe Quebec H9X 2V9 CanadaSchool Concordia University Department of Sociology and Anthropology 1455 Blvd de Maisonneuve Montreal Quebec H3G 1M8 Canada Cell Phone: 1 514 718 2554
Professional Background

I am an Australian, living and working in Montreal, Canada. Currently, my research focusses on women perpetrators of IPV. I have recently completed a qualitative study with female perpetrators mandated to attend support groups.  However, in the past I conducted research with male perpetrators, in Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria and in Montreal, Canada.


Services or Research Projects

I would like to upload a picture at a later date.

Mrs Andrea J. Lee (Denman Island, Canada) Provider

Photo of Mrs Andrea J. Lee
Thought Partners Internationalna Home 1551 Pickles Road Denman Island British Columbia V0R 1T0 CanadaHome BC V0R 1T0 Canada Work Phone: 250-335-2468 Cell Phone: 2504651018 Website: Indrani's Light Foundation Skype: andrea.jennifer.lee
Professional Background

I am currently without academic affiliation, possessing a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University in Canada, and am exploring the possibility of applying to do graduate work in social work or psychology.

Since 1997, I have been an entrepreneur. For the last 14 years, I have trained and coached entrepreneurial women and men to create expertise-based businesses. Both group programs and private work include leadership development, emotional resilience, and conflict management. For some women clients, I also provide coaching for anger management, abusive behaviour towards staff, and emotional abuse in their personal relationships.

From 2011 to present, I have been involved in the creation and start up of a 501(c)3 called the Indrani’s Light Foundation (ILF) whose mission is to eradicate ‘gender-based violence’ (GBV.) The activities of the foundation are two-pronged.

(1) Internationally, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Population Services International, the NGO in Washington, DC, funding GBV work in keeping with the U.N.’s Millennial Development Goals.

On the ground in India and Trinidad and Tobago, ILF provides evidence-based, behaviour-change trainings called ‘Live a Brighter Life’ which teach boundaries, shame resilience, and self-care to community workers, NGO-staff, abused women, and schoolchildren.

(2) In the US, ILF provides ‘Caring for the Caregivers’ training to Women’s Shelter caregivers in Houston, Texas and in 2017, Portland, Oregon.

Training in both of the above areas takes place over half a day to, ideally, a 2-day time span for participants in person, however, an online version of the Live a Brighter Life course has also brought measurable results. To support scaling these efforts, ILF has also started to train trainers.

As of 2014, with new trainers in place, I have been studying research methods and conducting qualitative interviews of female perpetrators and male survivors, with the goal of gaining a more balanced picture of the field, and to determine possible future contributions.

For entrepreneurs, I published ‘We Need to Talk: Your Guide to Challenging Business Conversations’ in 2014. In 2003, I published ‘Multiple Streams of Coaching Income.’ In between the two, there have been other titles, all unrelated to domestic violence.

Some books of note for various reasons:

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk
The Emotionally Abusive Relationship by Beverly Engel
The STOP Program by David Wexler
An Adult Child’s Guide to What’s Normal by John Friel
The Power of a Positive No by William Ury
Getting our Bodies Back by Christine Caldwell
The Potent Self by Moshe Feldenkrais
My Darkest Hour by Harold Turley II
The Emotional Terrorist and Violence Prone by Erin Pizzey
I Thought it was Just Me by Brene Brown

Tonia Nicholls , Ph.D. (Coquitlam, Canada) Researcher

University of British ColumbiaDepartment of Psychiatry Work BC Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, PHSA Coquitlam British Columbia Canada Work Phone: (604) 524-7790

Mr. Michael Andrew Nolan (North Bay, Canada) Provider

Community Counselling Centre of NipissingClinical Work 361 McINtyre Street East North Bay ontario P1B 1C9 Canada Work Phone: 705-472-6515 ext 244
Professional Background

Honours BA in Psychology

Services or Research Projects

Coordinator and facilitator for Partner Assault Response program

Individual counseling

Brad Orchard (Fort McMurray, Canada) Provider

WaypointsOpportunities For Change Home 73 B Centennial Drive Fort McMurray Alberta T9H 1J5 Canada Work Phone: (587) 226-9116

Valerie Roy (, Canada) Researcher

Photo of Valerie Roy
Universite LavalSchool of Social Work Home Quebec Canada

Dr Alexandre Smith-Peter (Montreal, Canada) Provider

PRO-GAM Work 1453 rue Beaubien Est Montreal Québec H2G 3C6 Canada Work Phone: 514-270-8462

Alicia Spidel (Vancouver, Canada) Researcher

FRASER HEALTHMENTAL HEALTH Home Vancouver British Columbia Canada Home Phone: 604 760 3150
Professional Background

I have worked as a psychologist, counsellor, clinical supervisor, mental health coordinator and trainer in corrections and community-based counselling agencies, addictions services, and mental health, for over 15 years. In addition I have lectured at SFU, Douglas College, Kwantlen, UBC, UFV, and JIBC in the criminology and psychology departments. My clinical and research interests include trauma, PTSD, violence and substance use and their impact on mental health and treatment compliance. I have published over 40 journal articles and book chapter and have given over 100 presentations both nationally and internationally on these subjects.


Dr. Harry Stefanakis (Vancouver, Canada) Provider

Photo of Dr. Harry Stefanakis
Intelligent Compassion Society Work 304-1055 West Broadway Vancouver British Columbia V6H1E2 Canada Work Phone: 604-434-1122 Website:
Professional Background

Dr. Harry Stefanakis is the president of the Intelligent Compassion Society.

Dr. Harry Stefanakis, registered psychologist, is an experienced counsellor and educator who communicates effectively with both humour and clarity. Harry has over 20 years experience working with victims and offenders in the field of family violence and has completed a research project on how men stop using violence and abuse. He has designed several community and institutional programs and has provided training and supervision on domestic abuse and trauma intervention. Harry has presented at national and international conferences and training seminars. In addition, Dr. Stefanakis has worked as an advocate for larger social and policy changes through his work with the Ending Relationship Abuse Society of BC (past president) and the BC Community Coordination for Women’s Safety Committee. Dr. Stefanakis was a consultant to the Ministry of the Attorney General in their Family Violence core programs initiative and a visiting expert for the United Nations: Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. He currently runs a clinical and consulting practice in Vancouver, B.C and is the founder of the new nonprofit Intelligent Compassion Society dedicated to promoting compassionate individuals, families and communities through the provision of education and interventions that focus on accountability, respect and an appreciation of the mutual interdependence between all peoples and all life.

Services or Research Projects

Clinical Services:

Compassion based intervention groups for those that have engaged in abusive behaviours. The groups focus on accountability and change through a strength-based perspective.

Mrs Sarah Tweedie (Fort McMurray, Canada) Provider

WaypointsMale/Female Perpetrator Groups Home 180 Elm Street Fort McMurray Alberta T9K 0J9 Canada Cell Phone: (780) 838-3486

Todd Vassallo (Sydney, Canada) Provider

Cornerstone Cape Breton Home 329 George St Sydney Nova Scotia B1P 1J7 Canada Work Phone: 902 567 0979
Professional Background

For over twenty five years, Cornerstone Cape Breton has delivered programs for men aimed at providing tools for building safe and respectful relationships.  As well as delivering domestic violence intervention for men involved with the court and social services system.

Rod Watson (Weyburn, Canada) Provider

Sun Country Health RegionMental Health Services Work Box 2003 Weyburn Saskatchewan S4H 2Z9 Canada Work Phone: 306 842-8678

David Wheeler (Fort McMurray, Canada) Provider

Home 168 Callen Drive Fort McMurray Alberta T9K 0X9 Canada Work Phone: (780) 788-5263

Dr. Pamela Sue Woodman (Camrose, Canada) Researcher

University of Alberta – Augustana FacultySocial Sciences – Psychology Home 6010 48 Ave Suite #128 Camrose Alberta T4V0K3 Canada Work Phone: 780-679-5954
Professional Background

I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.

I have been working in the field of mental health for about 14 years as a provider. I have also taught psychology courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

I received training in Domestic Violence treatment during my doctoral studies and have also attended a number of workshops on this topic.


Services or Research Projects

I work therapeutically with children who have witnessed domestic violence and their families.

I am currently working on a research project that looks at the ways in which parents impacted by domestic violence can help their children develop healthy relationships so as to minimize the intergenerational pattern of intimate partner violence.