ADVIP Member Directory Listed by Country
ADVIP members include researchers with an expertise in the field of partner and family abuse, or provide direct intervention services to perpetrators and have indicated a commitment to evidence-based practice. Both members and non-members can view the membership directory. Individuals with a Full Membership to ADVIP can write posts to our blog pages and enjoy other benefits not available to individuals with a Limited Membership. To become a member, or to upgrade membership from Limited Member to Full Member, go to the JOIN ADVIP link on the home page.
Some ADVIP members have organized into local chapters. Local chapters allow members to meet face-to-face, or through Skype or other electronic forums, to network and advance evidence-based practice in their local communities. A list of local chapters can be found on this page.
On this page you will see the Master List of all members organized by world region and country. Click on a member’s name to view their full profile page containing information about their location, background, training, intervention services and research interests. In the member’s profile page, you can click on the country, state, province or city to view all other members in those categories.
Click here for the Master List of all members, in alphabetical order, with additional search options.
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and general mental health. Overall, I have a holistic perspective with my work and utilize EMDR, Neurofeedback, and ADS NADA acupuncture protocols in my treatment practices. I am an approved domestic violence treatment provider, supervisor, and trainer in the State of Colorado for the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (DVRNA) tool, provide a quarterly 2-day Female DV Offender training, and more. I am currently enjoying consultation services with legal representatives and providing evaluations for civil and custody litigation matters.
David R Boehm (Marion, USA) Provider
Professional Background
David Boehm has provided domestic violence intervention for over 20 years for several counties in Southwest Virginia. He received his MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1981 and has been licensed since 1985 as a LCSW. He has a past president of the Virginia chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and a past member of the Board of social work with the Virginia health regulatory board.
He recently retired with 40 years experience with the Commonwealth of Virginia. His last 30 years was working with the Virginia Department of Corrections where he was an assistant Warden and a Warden.
Ms. Valerie A Fisher (Bradenton, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida (Licensed in 1999)
National Certified Counselor (Certified in 2000)
Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (2015 – meeting criteria established by NBCC)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Dependency Mediator (Certified in 2006)
Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator (Certified in 2010)
Batterers’ Intervention Program Director (State of Florida Certified in 2006)
Batterers’ Intervention Assessor (State of Florida Certified in 1997)
Batterers’ Intervention Facilitator (State of Florida Approved in 1997)
Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court approved Social Investigator (Approved in 2009)
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (meeting IACP standards in 2014)
Professional History:
Providing psychotherapy and other services to individuals, partners, and families.
Batterers’ Intervention Program provider. Providing assessment and psycho-educational group treatment to court ordered and voluntary clients for Domestic Violence and/or Anger Management as appropriate. Separate groups for men and women in Sarasota and Bradenton locations.
Drug and alcohol abuse assessment and treatment. Providing services to clients (court ordered and voluntary) through individual or group counseling.
Contract provider for Safe Children Coalition. Providing psychotherapy and psychoeducational services to clients (parents and families) including bio-psychosocial assessment and counseling in group, family, couples’ or individual settings.
12th Judicial Circuit. Social Investigator – complete evaluations and make recommendations and/or Parenting Plan recommendations in Social Investigations for Family Court litigants.
Collaborative Divorce Facilitator – provide neutral facilitation and coordination of Collaborative Divorce Team meetings; help parties identify goals, address emotional challenges, keep the collaborative process moving toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
2014 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Health Educator. Facilitate community presentations as part of the BCBS Medicare Wellness Program in Sarasota and Ft. Myers.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider for Manatee Glens Corporation. Complete/provide Comprehensive Assessments for children (in Manatee, Sarasota or DeSoto County) removed from parents or guardians and placed in the dependency/foster care system due to abuse, neglect or abandonment.
2006 to 2013 – Contract provider of Juvenile Dependency Mediation services for the 12th Judicial Circuit, including Manatee, Sarasota and DeSoto Counties.
1997 to 2006 – Manatee County Citizens Review, Inc. Program Coordinator. Responsible for the development and implementation of program policies and procedures and overall functioning of the Citizens Review Program; supervised the scheduling of case review hearings referred by Manatee County Juvenile Court; ensured that all children in out-of-home care under the supervision of DCF received reviews that were timely and comprehensive. Recruited, screened, trained and scheduled 35 – 38 (on average) volunteers. Trained and supervised paid staff. Developed Budgets. Developed Outcome Measures. Wrote grants that secured continuous funding; ensured reporting requirements were met. Provided community and media presentations.
1995 to 2006 – Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (Part time). Assessor and Facilitator. Conducted assessments of individuals and facilitated batterers’ intervention and anger management groups for both male and female populations.
1985 to 1997 – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Director, Victim Advocate Program. Developed, implemented and managed the Victim Advocate Program. Supervised staff and volunteers. Provided on-scene crisis intervention to child and adult crime victims and witnesses; provided ongoing counseling regarding the criminal justice system and victim recovery; provided training to staff advocates, volunteers and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office law enforcement officers; wrote grants; ensured adherence to reporting requirements for continued funding; provided community outreach and media presentations.
1988 to 1996 – Manatee Area Vocational and Technical Training Center and Sarasota County Technical Institute Police Academies. Instructor (Part time). Taught in the Law Enforcement and Corrections Academies. Subjects included: Domestic Violence; Human Diversity; Interpersonal Communication; Victim Assistance; Suicide Intervention; Crisis Intervention and Death Notification.
June 27, 2015 – 23rd Annual Conference Florida Family Child care Home Assoc., Inc., Clearwater, Fl. Workshop: Domestic Violence and It’s Impact on Children
June 5, 2014 – Ft. Myers Florida Blue Center, Estero, Florida. Community Wellness presentation. Problems, Treatment and Support for Older Adults Facing Depression
October 17, 2013 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence Education and Mandatory Reporting: What you Need to Know
April 19, 2012 – The Citizen Dispute Settlement Program – Twelfth Circuit of Florida. Domestic Violence and Mediation
November 12, 2011 – Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. Domestic Violence: Characteristics of Victims and Offenders
October 21, 2011 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 6th Annual Conference. Domestic Violence: The Honeymooners
April 23, 2010 – The 12th Judicial Circuit Family Court Professional Collaborative F.C.P.C. 5th Annual Conference. Managing Mayhem: Addressing Domestic Violence by Women
Current Professional Affiliations:
American Mental Health Counselor’s Association (member)
Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (member)
Family Court Professional Collaborative (past Vice President)
Florida Alcohol & Drug Abuse Association (member)
Next Generation Divorce Sarasota (Vice President)
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (member)
Previous Professional Affiliations:
Manatee Victim Rights Council (founding member, past president)
Manatee County Domestic Violence Council and Task Force (founding member, past chair)
Florida Network of Victim Witness Services (past board member and secretary)
Family Law Advisory Group – 12th Judicial Circuit (member); (past co-chair Court Services Subcommittee)
Current Community Affiliations:
League of Women Voters of Manatee County, Treasurer (Past President, Past Secretary)
PRISM Youth Initiative (President, past Secretary)
Manatee Pride (Chair)
Services or Research Projects
Carolina Grijalba-Rodriguez (Danbury, USA) Provider, Researcher
Laurie Lawrenz (Sheboygan, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Our Domestic Batterer Intervention Program is court approved and our agency is a member of the Wisconsin Batterers Treatment Providers Association.
We offer counseling services for male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. We are a GLBT friendly agency. We offer couples counseling (female/male, male/male, female/female) for relationship issues. PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT counsel couples in a domestic abuse relationship until after the perpetrator and victim have completed individual counseling services.
We offer individual psychotherapy counseling services for just about any issue that a client is experiencing. We offer dual diagnosis alcohol and drug abuse counseling.
All counseling services are administered by a Masters level or higher mental health counselor. Our counselors believe education and research are an important part of understanding client issues so we frequently attend conferences and seminars to stay attune with new developments in the world of mental health counseling.
Services or Research Projects
We are currently developing programs to incorporate social services into our agency practice. Some up coming projects include client food pantry and personal care item pantries and a needle exchange program to help address the sweeping heroin addiction problem in our communities.
Martin Loaiza (Yuma, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I’m a Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor in Arizona with over 25 years of experience working primarily with judicial clients with substance use disorders, criminal thinking, domestic violence and distorted perception of reality. Having worked for 12 years at Adult Probation, 5 as a substance abuse counselor for drug court and 7 years as the substance abuse program coordinator, I researched and implement what works best with offenders (EBP). I also provide clinical consultation on SUD, DUI, DV, and re-entry programs. As an owner/operator of my business, I also do training and consultation at different levels. My current area of focus is working with DUI, domestic violence and other judicially involved clients.
Roman Montague (Rocklin, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Mr. Montague has been facilitating BTP classes and establishing programs since 1997 through out Northern California from Santa Barbara to Eureka. He established Affordable Counseling and Educational Services, Inc. (A.C.E.S.) in 2001 to better serve the 7 county Sacramento region.
ACES is a full service counseling program holding licenses, contracts, certifications and approvals to provide services to county and state D.H.H.S., C.P.S., Probation, Mental Health, Family Court, Criminal Court, Parole, C.O.E. and Victim’s of Crime, client’s. For a full menu of services please see our web site at:
As a C.E.U. provider, primarily to BTP facilitators and licensed professionals, we also participate in community based provider programs such as Judicial Councils, Reentry Orientations, Provider, Family and Community Resource fairs.
All of our professional and clinical staff hold professional degrees with our clinical staff holding advanced degrees with varying levels of licensure, certification and credentials including drugs and alcohol.
We provide services in English and Spanish to both victims and perpetrators without bias or regard for but sensitivity to religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, culture, heritage, race or creed.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Perry (Spartanburg, United States) Provider
Professional Background
I received my B.S. from University of South Carolina-Upstate in Interdisciplinary Sciences (with Concentrations in Psychology and Sociology), and my M.A. and Ed.S. from Gardner-Webb University in Mental Health Counseling. Since graduation, I have been working for the Spartanburg Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (SADAC), which is transitioning into The Forrester Center for Behavioral Health as we shift our focus to include more areas of assistance within the community. One of the initial areas we are expanding into is to offer treatment services for Domestic Violence offenders. Our program is court-approved, and is a certified provider of Domestic Violence treatment within Spartanburg County, SC. Our program is new, but I have an existing background in working within Domestic Violence, as I spent almost 2 years working with Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition in Spartanburg, SC as a Victim Advocate both in the shelter and in the court system. I am excited about transitioning to working with offenders to begin addressing the issue in a new way.
Services or Research Projects
Our agency is excited to be offering group treatment offered to both male and female perpetrators (in separate groups), individual counseling offered to both victims and offenders, substance abuse counseling/treatment, and community referrals to improve the lives of the individuals we serve. Our services are available at flexible times and schedules. We hope that this program will only expand in the future, and increase our opportunity to serve those in our county and state.
Dr William Joseph Ryan , PhD (Brooklyn, USA) Provider
Ms Brenda K. Ulmer , LCSW, LSCSW (Independence, USA) Provider
Professional Background
Masters of Social Work, University of Kansas, 1998
Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 1999
Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work since 1999
Co-Owner and Clinical Therapist of KeyPoint Counseling Services 2001-2015
18 years as Clinical Casemanager for the Missouri Department of Mental Health, QMRP
5 Years Child and Family Therapist for Kaw Valley Behavioral Health
Certified in Anger Management, Batterers Intervention, and Sexual Offender Treatment
Certified Penile Plethysograph Clinician I & II
Bachelors Degree in Psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983
Sam J Bachman (Fairfax, United States) Provider
Professional Background
- Have 23 years of experience working with domestic violence offenders.
- MSW Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996; LCSW 2012.
Services or Research Projects
- Supervise the largest program in the largest jurisdiciton in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DC-Maryland-Virginia) and Northern Virginia. Jurisdiction covers population of 1.3 million citizents. ADAPT Program is part of a combined program with DV and sexual assault [SA] prevention/community education services, and counseling services for survivor/victims of domestic and sexual assault. Program exists in a county government agency, Office for Women & Domestic and Sexual Assault Services.
- ADAPT program has been in existance for 31 years; started in 1983.
- Supervise 3.5 staff, 1-4 interns and about 40 volunteers who provide treatment in English and Spanish.
- ADAPT Program met VA state BIP state standards in 2001 when standards went live.
- Program utilizes core technology from the Core Value/Compassion Model developed by Steven Stosny, Ph.D. See Program promotes self-responsibility and teaches emotional self-regulation skills.
- Program is 18 weeks in length; extensive homework; skills based approach; program co-facilitated by volunteers and staff.
- Program participants are adult men and women who have been abusive with intimate partner or family member (sibling, child or adult child/parent/sibling). Clients are about 70% male; 30% female; approximately 85% court referred typically via defered adjudication (first time offenders charged with assault on household/family member with two years to complete tx to get charges dismissed). Treatment groups are co-ed.
Jeanette Barich (Aurora, USA) Provider
Professional Background
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) in private practice, Vista Counseling Services, LLC. I specialize in domestic violence, addictions, and