ADVIP Member Directory Listed by Country
ADVIP members include researchers with an expertise in the field of partner and family abuse, or provide direct intervention services to perpetrators and have indicated a commitment to evidence-based practice. Both members and non-members can view the membership directory. Individuals with a Full Membership to ADVIP can write posts to our blog pages and enjoy other benefits not available to individuals with a Limited Membership. To become a member, or to upgrade membership from Limited Member to Full Member, go to the JOIN ADVIP link on the home page.
Some ADVIP members have organized into local chapters. Local chapters allow members to meet face-to-face, or through Skype or other electronic forums, to network and advance evidence-based practice in their local communities. A list of local chapters can be found on this page.
On this page you will see the Master List of all members organized by world region and country. Click on a member’s name to view their full profile page containing information about their location, background, training, intervention services and research interests. In the member’s profile page, you can click on the country, state, province or city to view all other members in those categories.
Click here for the Master List of all members, in alphabetical order, with additional search options.
Mr. John Anthony Bochnowicz (Langhorne, United States) Provider
Professional Background
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Maryland
M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling, University of South Florida
CAAW Committee to Aid Abused Women, Reno, Nevada
Nevada County Domestic Violence Program, Grass Valley, California
Placer Women’s Service, Auburn, California
Man Alive, San Rafael, California
A Woman’s Space Unlimited, South Lake Tahoe, California
Diluth Model, Diluth, Minnesota
John Bradshaw, On The Family
John Gray, Emotional Healing
Co-Founder and Director of Tahoe Abused Women’s Services, Kings Beach, California, 1982-1983
Co-Founder of the Men’s Program at Tahoe Abused Women’s Services, Kings Beach, California, 1984-1986
Founder of the Men’s Program for A Woman’s Space Unlimited, South Lake Tahoe, California, 1986-1991
Founder of the Women’s Group for A Woman’s Space Unlimited, South Lake Tahoe, California, 1987-1991
Facilitator of Domestic Violence Program for Men at Sexual Assault/Spousal Assault Resource Center (SARC), Bel Air, Maryland, 1991-1992
Founder of A Supportive Alliance for Family Empowerment (S.A.F.E.), later to be known as S.A.F.E. Counseling Program Inc, affiliated with the Peace Center, Langhorne, Pensylvania, 1994-Present. We do separate groups for men and women to stop the violence in their lives by teaching them a core set of tools where they learn how to move from seeking or demanding external emotional support from their partners and others (by being abusive or manipulative), to learning how to give themselves internal emotional support. We facilitate this by teaching them Emotional Healing. This allows them to move from blaming others for why their life is the way it is, to taking responsibility for what they are doing or not doing to cause their life to be the way it is. We also help them to identify what they are fearful of losing or fearful of not getting just prior to their violence and what they can do for themselves to alleviate that fear, instead of turning their pain into anger and violence.
Minna Davis (Plymouth Meeting, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Dr. Penelope K Morrison (New Kensington, United States) Researcher
Professional Background
Dr. Morrison holds a PhD in medical anthropology and a master’s degree in public health from the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to arriving at Penn State New Kensington, Dr. Morrison served as a co-investigator and senior research associate at Magee-Womens Research Institute where she developed interdisciplinary collaborations with investigators at RAND, Veterans Affairs Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion and the University of Pittsburgh. She has also served as a qualitative methodological expert on projects related to veteran’s health, PTSD, informed consent, maternal to child transmission of HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ youth and substance use, telemedicine, and patient-provider substance use communication.
Dr. Morrison’s own research interests are focused on addressing health disparities for underserved populations of women and children. Her most recent research utilizes traditional ethnographic methods to investigate what intervention practices work best for promoting long term behavioral change among men who perpetrate violence against women, and how to best stem the epidemic of intimate partner violence in the United States.
Brenda Russell (University Park, United States) Researcher
Vera T. Tzenova-Bochnowicz (Newtown, United States) Provider
Professional Background
Vera T. Tzenova-Bochnowicz, Treasurer and Secretary of and Part-time Facilitator at S.A.F.E. Counseling Program, Inc., Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
B.A. in Political Science, Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania, 2003
M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania. 2005
2004: Intern at The Peace Center, Langhorne, Pennsylvania assisting in delivering conflict resolution programs in elementary and middle schools and assisting with research and evaluation of Bullying Prevention program.
2004-2006: Observer and Trainee at S.A.F.E., A Supportive Alliance for Family Empowerment, Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
2005: Volunteer Peace Educator at The Peace Center, Langhorne, Pennsylvania supervising Peace Camp counselors and delivering conflict resolution and emotional intelligence lessons.
2007-2009: Ventures In Peace, (V.I.P.) Program Coordinator and Youth Group facilitator for delinquent and at risk male and female youth age 11 – 17 years old at The Peace Center, Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Full-time Facilitator and Co-Facilitator at S.A.F.E., A Supportive Alliance for Family Empowerment, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
2011- Present
Part-time Facilitator, Treasurer and Secretary of S.A.F.E. Counseling Program, Inc., Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Services or Research Projects
Providing Batterer Intervention Services and Anger Management Services to male and female clients in gender specific groups referred by the courts, social services, mental health counselors, psychologists, attorneys, physicians or to self-referred clients.
Interested in collaborating and guidance in designing an empirical study to examine the effectiveness of the S.A.F.E. Counseling Program, Inc. in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.