Seeking expertise from providers working with young Black boys and men

Dear ADVIP colleagues,

I’m writing to invite you to participate in a 30- 60-minute phone interview in a study conducted by Rush University in collaboration with the BrotherlyACT project.

Researchers at Rush University are developing BrotherlyACT—an online life skills and mindfulness coaching tool for violence-impacted young Black boys and men (YBM). This intervention aims to equip these young men with personalized life skills and mindfulness tools to navigate high-violence settings, substance use, and minority stressors while linking them to key community services. Our goal is to offer respectful, age-appropriate, and culturally congruent solutions outside of punitive justice system alternatives and to break the cycle of recidivism.

The study is titled “Harnessing Technology to Deliver Online Life-Skills and Mindfulness Coaching for Violence Prevention Services Among Young Black Males,” and it is led by Principal Investigator Chuka Nestor Emezue, Ph.D. This study’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) number is 21122902-IRB01.

We hope you will consider participating in an individual interview to discuss: 

  1. Your opinion on factors that encourage or discourage young Black men from engaging with a range of violence and substance use prevention services,
  2. Your interest and thoughts on technology-enabled violence prevention services,
  3. Provide expertise in developing a web-app intervention to address some of these barriers,

Do you think you would like to take part in this research? 

If you are interested in this study for yourself (or the young Black men you work with), please contact me with the email below so we can arrange a phone, web conference, or in-person interview (if in Chicago). Each interview will be audio-recorded with permission.  You will receive $50 Amazon eGift card (youth participants receive $25 each) as a small token of our appreciation. A study flyer is posted below.

In Kindness,


Chuka Emezue, Ph.D., MPH, MPA, CHES® 

Assistant Professor,  Rush University College of Nursing,

Department of Women, Children & Family Nursing | (312) 661-5331


BrotherlyACT Recruitment Flyer