Expert Witness Certification with CE’s

Attached is a continuing education certification program description and training that is a new grant funded program that IVAT has obtained for a major 3-year project for attorneys, GALS, mental health professionals, child custody evaluators (or those wanting to become evaluators), and expert witnesses in family law cases with allegations of abuse.  It involves 4 national nonprofit organizations working together, and the cost is minimal due to the grant funds. The details are attached.  If interested, or want more details, pls contact Madison as noted.  Enrollment at each of the 3 sites this year is limited and there will be 4 more sites each of next two years. The first training is in July in Seattle.  You do not have to live in that city or state to attend a training, but it is by application only.

Feel free to email me  for the flyer if it doesn’t open for you