Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center
Professionals including, but not limited to, domestic violence and sex offender treatment providers, evaluators, polygraph examiners, victim therapists, victim advocates, school personnel, community supervision officers, child welfare, attorneys, judges, magistrates, and law enforcement (local, state and federal).
Please submit proposals via email.
Proposal deadline:
February 14, 2020
**Guidelines for Submissions**
We have listened to the feedback from attendees and are planning to incorporate changes into the conference agenda for next year.
Presentations are now scheduled for 90 minutes in length (NEW). You can also submit for two workshop presentations: Part 1 & Part 2 (total 3 hours).
Please include:
- Title of Presentation (limit of 50 characters)
- Topic is Domestic Violence Offender Management (DV) or Sex Offender Management (SO) or Crossover (DV/SO)
- Type of session (interactive, lecture or panel)
- Level (beginner, intermediate or advanced) NEW
- Population covered (juvenile, adult or both)
Based on the feedback received, please be specific about the type of session, level and targeted population.
- Abstract suitable for printing in the registration packet
- List 3 Objectives for Presentation (Objectives should describe what the learner will be able to do at the end of the presentation).
- Name of the Presenter(s), degree credentials, title, phone number and email
- A one paragraph bio for each presenter
- Presenter headshot suitable to be included in the program
- Attach curriculum vitae/resume for each presenter
- A.V. Requirements: DVD Player, Audio, Flip chart, Other.
- Presenters are required to bring their own laptop. LCD Projectors will be set up in each room.
All presenters receive free*** conference registration but are responsible for all lodging, travel, food and other expenses.
***Additional presenters in sessions with more than 2 presenters will pay 50% off the registration fee. Also, all presenters must submit their handouts to the organizer at least two weeks prior to the conference in order to have their registration waived.