Risk Needs Assessments
I am wondering what risk needs assessment tools are being used by the group. Which ones do you like and which ones do you not like? Bonus points if you can provide the links for where to get access to the assessments of your choice. Thank you in advance.
John Hamel
Jul 25, 2019 @ 01:19:54
I think the links below all work. Give it a try!
A review of the literature on risk assessment instruments can be found in the article, Assessment in intimate partner violence: A review of contemporary approaches, by Tonia Nicholls and her colleagues. This is also available in the research section of the ADVIP website, and can be accessed directly at: http://www.domesticviolenceintervention.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Nicholls.etal2013.Manuscript.pdf.
Also useful is: Inventory of spousal violence risk assessment tools used in Canada, available at: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/fv-vf/rr09_7/rr09_7.pdf.
Two states have already demonstrated the effectiveness of domestic violence intervention policies based on risk assessment – Colorado and Florida.
To read about research on the Colorado model, read: Gover, A. (2011). New directions for domestic violence offender treatment standards: Colorado’s innovative approach to differentiated treatment. Partner Abuse, 2 (1), 95-120.
To read about research on the Florida model, read: Coulter, M., & VandeWeerd, C. (2009). Reducing domestic violence and other criminal recidivism: Effectiveness of a multilevel batterers intervention program. Violence and Victims, 24 (2), 139-152.
(You can get an electronic copy of either or both articles by contacting John Hamel, LCSW, at johnmhamel@comcast.net)
• The full text of the Colorado batterer intervention standards, including a description of its three-tier model of intervention, can be found at: https://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/dvomb/Standards/standards02.pdf.
• A training video on the Colorado model, courtesy of the Battered Women’s Justice Project, is available at: http://www.bwjp.org/resource-center/resource-results/batterer-intervention-risk-assessment.html.
One of the most reliable and widely-used risk assessment instrument, the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA), is available from the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care. For information and to watch the free training video, go to: http://odara.waypointcentre.ca/
Another reliable and widely-used instrument, the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER), is available at: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/fl-lf/famil/rr05_fv1-rr05_vf1/rr05_fv1.pdf. The B-SAFER is a component of the Colorado risk assessment model.