Scholarly Research

IPV: Evolutionary Psychology Perspectives

Something to read while sheltering in place…

Among the more notable findings from the Tulane University/U.C. Davis national survey of batterer intervention programs (click on the ADVIP home page for the link), 80.3% of program directors said that male-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV) is motivated by a desire to dominate and control, compared to the 23.9% who cited this motive for female-perpetrated IPV. But research indicates that men and women use various forms of relationship aggression for roughly the same reasons, and that includes the desire to dominate their partner. I know some BIP facilitators who believe that the female offenders in their groups are mostly victims. There is research finding that female offenders are more likely than male offenders to be poor, and to be overwhelmed with special problems such as lack of child care – but they aren’t any more likely than our male offenders to be victims. We are not doing our female clients – and especially not their partners – a favor by downplaying their abuse.

We can all agree that, on the whole, the clients enrolled in our programs, regardless of how they were referred, need to take full responsibility for their own behavior. On the other hand, we cannot entirely dismiss client complaints about their own victimization at the hands of their partners. This is often pure victim-blaming of course, but not always. In “mandatory arrest” states such as California, police will often arrest a suspect with minimal evidence of a crime, relying on poorly-conceived “dominant aggressor” guidelines. Low-income male defendants who need to get back to work and cannot afford to go to trial sometimes will take a plea deal, often in marginal cases when their guilt is far from evident. One long-term study in Oregon found that men arrested on a domestic violence charge were usually guilty of that particular offense, but that their partners had perpetrated just as much physical and emotional abuse as they had throughout the course of the relationship (Capaldi, Shortt, Kim, Wilson, Crosby, & Tucci, 2009). Some client complaints are legitimate, and to dismiss them out of hand is to put at risk the client-facilitator working alliance, necessary for group engagement, client motivation to change, and positive treatment outcomes – primarily, a cessation or reduction in violent and abusive behavior. Additionally, when the complaints have merit, it is important that the facilitator acknowledge them in order to help clients identify the mutual abuse dynamics that may have led to violence. Not all abuse dynamics are of the type identified by Lenore Walker, assumed to involve a entirely-guilty perpetrator and an entirely blameless victim.
Below are some notes I have put together for a presentation I will be giving in San Francisco in the Fall, on the role of gender in intimate partner violence, and some of the explanations for IPV dynamics from an evolutionary psychology perspective. At some point I will flesh out these notes for a paper I will submit somewhere for publication. Meanwhile, I hope you find this information helpful in your work. If you would like to read some of the cited studies, contact me and I will send you the full list of references.

Aggression Outside and Inside the Home

The views expressed by BIP directors on motivation to control are concerning because we are supposed to be experts in our field, with accurate knowledge about the causes, dynamics, context and impact of IPV. To be fair, there are reasons for such lack of knowledge. Many of us were initial trained in Duluth or some other gender-based model, which Probation and victim advocates typically favor, and few of us are researchers with access to the latest social science data that might challenge what we were taught. Furthermore, work primarily with male offenders, who in these groups are more often than not the predominant relationship aggressors and who routinely lie, minimize and blame. And of course, men are far more outwardly aggressive in general than women. Women have been shown to use comparable, or higher, rates of indirect aggression (Archer, 2004; Bjorkqvist, 1994), such using malicious gossip and ostracizing others from their social groups, and in laboratory studies will engage in direct aggression (e.g., administering a series of electric shocks) when they feel justified or when they can do so anonymously (Frodi, Macaulay & Thorne, 1977; Richardson, 2005). Still men perpetrate the great majority of violent crimes, and engage in the majority of public displays of aggression, including verbal aggression (Archer, 2004). Just watch the news or read any daily newspaper. It’s obvious.

And yet, things are very much different in the home and among intimate romantic partners, as rates of aggression are very comparable across gender, across all ethnic groups and sexual orientations. Except for child sexual abuse, women are responsible for the majority of child abuse (largely due to their greater caregiving role; McDonald et al., 2006), and, while rates of sexual IPV and the more threatening forms of stalking are largely perpetrated by men, women perpetrate physical and psychological abuse and engage in controlling behaviors at rates equal to or higher than men (see PASK findings and reports from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey by going to In about 60% of relationships where there is violence, both partners are physically violent, and in an even higher percentage of relationships both partners are either physically or emotionally abusive (Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Misra, Selwyn, & Rohling, 2012). Additionally, the causes of IPV perpetration, also known as risk factors, are very much the same for men and women, and include: Low income/unemployment, aggressive personality, abuse/dysfunction in childhood, alcohol and drug abuse, and being in a high conflict relationship (Capaldi, Knoble, Shortt, & Kim, 2012) . Women and men are motivated to abuse partners for the same reasons as men – to control, in self-defense, in retribution, to punish, due to jealousy, as a means of communication or expressing emotions, or due to the effects of alcohol and drugs (Langhinrichsen-Rohling & McCullars, 2012).

What does distinguish male and female perpetrators is the impact that it has on victims. Women are injured at higher rates than men, particularly with severe injuries requiring medical treatment, and suffer more mental health problems (Lawrence, Orengo-Aguavo, Langer, & Brock, 2012) . They are also the victims in around 80% of intimate partner homicides (Hamel, 2019). Although children who witness IPV are more likely to become aggressive and dysfunctional adolescents and adults regardless of the sex of the abusive parent (children learn from observation), they are more impacted by father’s violence in the short run, especially in terms of greater internalized symptoms, such as depression and PTSD (fathers’ violence is more consequential and scarier; MacDonnel, K. Watson 2012).

Gender Roles

The BIP standards in California, and most states, mandate that we incorporate into our curricula information about the use of “power and control” tactics and “gender roles.” By the latter, it is understood to mean that we are supposed to educate our male clients about how they use physical, sexual and psychological abuse in order to maintain their status as men, which is supposedly sanctioned by a patriarchal, male-dominated society, and women stay in abusive relationships because they have been taught to be submissive. The standards tell us to educate our male clients about “male privilege” (e.g., insisting on making all the important decisions, expecting sexual favors), but nothing is said about “female privilege” (insisting that the partner work extra hours so she can have nicer things, assuming she will get the children in the event of a divorce). However, as mentioned already, rates of physical and psychological abuse and controlling behaviors (possessive jealousy, intimidation, degradation of the partner) are comparable across gender. Furthermore, research indicates that traditional gender roles and sexist attitudes do not directly predict IPV by men, because men with egalitarian values are just as likely to abuse their partners. Male abusers cite outdated social roles to excuse their violence, but what actually drives the violence are the risk factors cited above, along with pro-violent attitudes and a general desire to dominate partners (Straus, 2008; Sugarman & Frankel, 1996). These are the same motives that drive female-perpetrated IPV.

Does this mean that patriarchal social structures do not contribute to male-perpetrated IPV? No, social factors are important, but individual and relationship factors are as or more important, and the exact mechanisms by which social factors impact rates of IPV are complex and not completely understood. Some international surveys find higher rates of male-perpetrated IPV in more patriarchal countries (Archer, 2006; (Schmitt, 2015), but at least one review found no such differences (Esquivel-Santovena, Lambert, & Hamel, 2013). One possibility is that marital conflict is intensified in countries with stronger patriarchal structures, as women resist their partners’ attempts to control what happens in their domain, and research does find a high correlation between marital conflict and marital violence. But there many other reasons why couples fight, which has to do more with personality differences and relationship dynamics. In the most egalitarian countries there are men who dominate their wives, and in the most patriarchal countries there are women who dominate their husbands
The higher rates of aggression by men outside the home have been explained according to Gender Role Theory, which holds that prevailing cultural norms discourage direct female aggression (Eagly & Steffen, 1986). But in the home and among intimate partners, female-perpetrated aggression has much greater social support than male-perpetrated aggression (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000; Straus, Kaufman-Kantor, & Moore, 1997). This higher tolerance for female-perpetrated IPV can be regarded as a form of “benevolent sexism” (Glick & Fiske, 2001), which of course varies across cultures. In the U.S., these tolerant attitudes may help to lower rates of IPV against women, whereas this may not be the case elsewhere (Esquivel-Santovena, Lambert, & Hamel, 2013).

Evolutionary Psychology Explanations

As an alternative to Gender Role Theory, I have found Social Learning and Attachment perspectives much more useful in understanding the causes and dynamics of intimate partner violence, and as a basis for my batterer intervention curriculum. The outcome literature on BIPs does find greater support for these alternatives. But more and more I have become impressed with theories developed by evolutionary psychologists, in particular Sexual Selection Theory, which provides a credible, comprehensive account of IPV perpetration and motivation dynamics, and helps in resolving some of the contradictions already mentioned with respect to aggression outside versus inside the home. According to Sexual Selection Theory, over the past 200,000 years natural selection processes have resulted in a differentiation between men and women in their reproductive strategies for ensuring descendants. Essentially, due to the prolonged period of gestation, women’s reproductive interests are best served seeking a mate, or mates, who will provide resources to enhance the survival of her offspring, whereas men can mate with numerous partners. Monogamous relationships are, however, usually advantageous to men as well, because an investment of resources in one partner increases the odds of the children surviving, with a greater certainty of paternity.

When evolutionary psychologists first started to examine IPV, they focused on male aggression. They found that men seek women who are young and physically attractive because these features correlate with fertility, which is why women are often treated as “sex objects.” When they suspect their partner might cheat on them or leave the relationship, men will employ a variety of strategies in response, to avoid losing the partner or being cuckolded (unwittingly having to raise another man’s child). Such “mate retention” strategies include working harder to earn more money, showering the partner with attention and gifts, and letting her have her way – as well as what is known as “mate guarding,” which involves possessive behaviors and sometimes physical assaults (Wilson & Daly, 1992). Science then, evolutionary psychologists have broadened their focus to include female behavior. Across cultures, more men than women (60% versus 40%) at least once have tried to “poach” someone else’s partner (have an affair), but female poachers tend to be more successful. Women tend to regard men as “success objects” and will seek to improve their looks or grant more sexual favors to hold on to their mates and those resources, but sometimes use aggression (Cross & Campbell, 2011, Geary, 2010; Harris, 2003; Miller & Fishkin, 1997) against female rivals, or their male partners, to advance their reproductive interests. Just like men, it is jealousy that typically drives some of them to become controlling and violent (Buss, 2013; Geary, 2010). Women also report experiencing the same levels of anger as men, the other primary emotion linked to aggression (Averill, 1983; Brody & Hall, 2008).

Evolutionary psychologists study mate retention tactics with a questionnaire known as the Mate Retention Inventory, or MRI (Shackleford, Goetz, & Buss (2005). The MRI category known as Direct Mate Guarding includes the sub-categories of Vigilance (e.g., “called at unexpected times to see who my partner was with”), Concealment of Mate (e.g., “refused to introduce my partner to my same-sex friends”), and Monopolization of Time (e.g., “insisted that my partner stay at home rather than going out”). Results from mate retention studies conducted with married couples in the United States (Buss & Shackleford, 1997), Spain (De Miguel & Buss, 2011), and Croatia (Kardum, et al., 2006) indicate that these tactics are used by women at rates at least equal to men, and in some studies at higher rates. One difference across gender is that women tend to use these tactics throughout the relationship, whereas men are more likely to use them when suspecting their partner of cheating, which explains why women are so often killed when they try to leave. Another difference is that men tend to more readily succumb to these tactics, scoring significantly in the Submission and Debasement category (e.g., “became a slave to my partner,” “gave in to my partner’s every wish.”).

The mate guarding tactics found in these studies among jealous, insecure men and women are roughly the same as those identified in the ubiquitous “power and control” wheel which, as I noted earlier, have been determined to be perpetrated equally across gender in the general population and among clients court mandated to a BIP. In my own study of 400 men and women in California batterer intervention programs, there were no significant differences across gender for perpetration of 47 of the 62 items. Men reported significantly more perpetration for 6 items: “tries to restrict partner’s movements,” “controls the money and excludes partner from financial decisions,” “withholds child support,” forgets important things (e.g., to pay bills or relay calls/messages)”, “pressures partner to have sex when he/she doesn’t want to,” and “pressures partner to engage in unwanted sexual practices (but the latter item rarely endorsed, with 80% of the sample indicating they never engaged in this behavior.) Women reported significantly more perpetration for 9 items: “searches partner’s purse/wallet/cell phone calls,” “makes fun of partner’s sexual performance,” blames partner for all the problems in the relationship,” “nags” (repeated and excessive complaints or requests), “refuses to accept ‘no’ for an answer,” “calls, pages or text messages constantly,” “withholds affection or sex,” locks partner out of bedroom or residence when angry,” and “tells children negative things about partner” (Hamel, Jones, Dutton, & Graham-Kevan, 2015).

Studies on intimate partner homicides (IPH) find jealousy to be a motive as much for female killers as male killers. However, it is the case that most IPV is perpetrated by men, and compared to men women are more likely to kill in self-defense. Clearly, male-perpetrated relationship violence is far more dangerous. Although female killers can, and do, use weapons such knives or guns, men are on the whole bigger and stronger than women, and can overcome them with physical force. Men, who have evolved to compete for partners against same-sex rivals and amass resources, are driven to overcome their fears of danger; whereas women experience higher levels of fear, in order to avoid situations that would threaten successful child-rearing. Circling back to the previous question as to why there is relative gender symmetry in the home, but not outside the home where women rarely assault men, some evolutionary psychologists theorize that women’s fear instincts are disinhibited in the home (possibly due to the effects of oxytocin; Cross & Campbell, 2011), where they are motivated to defend their natural maternal and resource-seeking interests (Allen & Hawkins, 1990; Cross, Tee, & Campbell, 2011; Saini, Drozd, & Olesen, 2017; Straus, 1999).

Without a consideration for cultural factors, Sexual Selection Theory, by itself, cannot account for the variety of ways in which men and women try to secure the material and social resources with which to survive. Sexual Selection Theory best explains IPV and IPH when combined with findings from studies on adult attachment, human cognition, and leaning. I leave you with this quote from Harris (2003), on their Social-Cognitive model:

“[The model is] consistent with natural selection and with jealousy serving the adaptive function of protecting a valued relationship, which presumably would have aided in increasing one’s fitness…Determining that the self may have contributed to the mate’s infidelity can help identify areas in which to improve the relationship. Forming emotional attachments to others is important to both men and women, and to the degree that those attachments are threatened, jealousy will be elicited…This view provides a way for culture to impact jealousy: in that what is perceived as a personal threat will to a large extent be influenced by the values of one’s culture” (p. 120).

The takeaway is that IPV is a human problem, not a gender problem, and if we do not grasp this essential fact, we will be limited in our efforts to hold perpetrators accountable and keep victims safe.
What are your thoughts? Let me know!

Behavioral Skills Training Study

As a part of her doctoral program, Ms. Jessica Calixto, Board Certified Behavior Analyst and doctoral student at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will be conducting a research study to examine the effects of using Behavior Skills Training (BST) to teach therapists working with batterers to identify what maintains behavior. BST is a process that involves instruction, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback. It is used for skill training purposes; teaching individuals new skills. This letter is to ask for your voluntary participation in this study to receive online BST to learn a new skill that you may use during your therapy sessions. It will be used to increase your ability to identify what maintains the behaviors listed. The study will take place during work hours in which our office site has agreed to partake in these online trainings for a minimum of one online training per week through an online video call with Ms. Calixto. The call will last around 30 minutes and up to no more than one hour. No more than one session will be provided per week. The study will take 6-weeks to complete and be conducted entirely online, starting within 7 business days from the returned consent form. There will be no in-person meetings conducted. All sessions will be video recorded.

If you answer “Yes” to each of the questions below, and would like to volunteer to participate in this research, please contact Ms. Jessica Calixto, by using the email provided below.

Do you hold a therapeutic role (currently/previously) working with batterers of domestic disputes?
Do you have little to no current training of functional assessments?

Thank you for your time to review this letter and consider participating in this study. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Jessica Calixto, BCBA, doctoral student; or Dr. Jansz-Rieken, BCBA-D, thesis chair. Contact information is provided below.
Jessica Calixto, BCBA,
Dr. Jansz-Rieken, BCBA-D,

Seeking support for Thesis committee starting January

Greetings ADVIP Members,

May I start with expressing thanks to everyone for your work. Over the last five years, I have learned an immeasurable amount from this site and also personally felt supported in ways that were difficult to find elsewhere. Having said that…

This is my first post.  I am hopeful that even though my inquiry feels like a stretch, especially given how much I respect the time and busy-ness of everyone here, maybe, a connection of some mutual benefit will come out of posting. I welcome suggestions, recommendations and ways to do this differently or better – thank you so much in advance.

Onto the actual substance of the matter:

In January, I’ll be starting work on my master’s thesis in the MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. I will be working under the supervision of Dr. Evan Hoffman and I’m now looking for a volunteer second committee member with the experience/expertise in my topic area. My thesis will likely apply qualitative methods to examine a subset of emotionally abusive people, those who want to change their behavior and are challenged by lack of understanding and resources. A brief article I published in the Washington Post, and short selfie video on Upworthy (which reached 2 million+ views) should shed some additional light.

Royal Roads University awards a small honorarium of $100 CAD for this service. Because this is the second committee member, I understand the commitment is much smaller than the supervisor role. If you have any possible interest or have an idea for someone who might, please reach out, or comment below. Many thanks.

2019 ADVIP/UC Davis/Tulane University Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Suvey

I am pleased to announce that preliminary results of our recent nationwide survey of domestic violence perpetrator treatment programs (what many of us call batterer intervention programs, or BIPs), are now available on the ADVIP website.  These preliminary findings were presented by myself, John Hamel, and my colleague, Clare Cannon from U.C. Davis, at the recent IVAT conference in San Diego.

Our findings are, on the whole, quite positive, and show that there is a much greater approval among providers for evidence-based practice than ever before, even among practitioners of Duluth and other gender-based approaches.  There also appears to be a great deal of approval for what we, at ADVIP, are trying to do in terms of disseminating up-to-date research.

Just go to and click on the survey results link on the home page.

Call for Papers – Program Descriptions and Case Studies Needed

Dear ADVIP Colleague:

The peer-reviewed journal Partner Abuse ( offers cutting-edge research on abuse between dating, married and cohabitating partners, and features articles on innovative, promising treatment programs. We are especially interested in securing clinical case studies with perpetrators, victims or both, that illustrate in greater detail how your treatment approach works with a particular individual or family. Case studies bring what might otherwise be dry information to life, helping the clinician to integrate research and intervention and better understand the treatment process

We accept case studies involving male and/or female clients in individual, group, couples or family therapy, or any combination. If you are interested in submitting a case study, please let me know. Submission guidelines are attached.

You can send submissions by going to:


John Hamel, LCSW
Editor-in-Chief, Partner Abuse

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Abuse Survey Update

The Simmons University’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences recently sent ADVIP a link to some newish statistics on IPV, from the NISVS data.  Pretty reliable.  You can find this information at:

A much more comprehensive data based is the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project, at


Request to consider if you have any unpublished data for inclusion in a meta-analysis

Hello all,

RE: Request for data to inform a meta-analytic review assessing the magnitude of the relationship between motivation and physical intimate partner violence

Dr. Matt Hammond, Fiona Dempsey, and I are conducting a meta-analysis to examine the magnitude of the relationship between self-reported physical aggression in intimate partner relationships and the motivation for this aggression. We would like to elaborate on previous reviews in this area to go beyond understanding the range of motivations associated with intimate partner violence and gain insight into the effect sizes of different motives. For example, control is theorised as being central to understanding intimate partner violence. This review will enable us to determine the magnitude of the relationship between self reported control and physical intimate partner violence compared to non-controlling motives. It is anticipated that the findings will inform the debate regarding gender differences in motivations.

We have identified a number of published studies in this area and are now seeking unpublished work from researchers in the field. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share with us any unpublished data you may have or in press/in progress research findings so that we can include your data/findings in our analysis and cite your work.

Studies which meet the following criteria will be of relevance:

  • Where participants are male and/ or female.
  • Where participants are 18+ years.
  • Data includes a measure of self-reported perpetration of physical assault and motivation(s) associated with use of physical aggression..
  • Where motivation is defined as any preceding act (e.g., physical, psychological, sexual harm) or psychological or physiological state (e.g., anger, jealousy, fear) that influences a person’s use of aggression toward their intimate partner. Motives are not personality characteristics, or risk factors for IPV (e.g., attachment styles, attitudes towards violence).

Where possible we would like to request the following data from you:

  • A continuous or ordinal measure of self reported physical aggression
  • A measure of at least one motivation for physical aggression
  • Demographic data for the sample (e.g., ethnicity, mean age, sex/gender identity of the participants)
  • Some information on the methodology used to collate the data set

Where raw data is not feasible we would like to request:

  • Correlations between motivations for IPV and self-reported physical assault (split by gender, if relevant)
  • Sample N

The research team are all based at the School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and I include our web addresses below so you can take a look at our recent profiles.

This work will form the basis of a study in Fiona’s PhD and be submitted for peer review to a relevant academic journal. If you are able to share any relevant work or have any further questions about this, we would be very grateful.


Thank you for your consideration,

Best wishes

Louise Dixon


Matt Hammond


Fiona Dempsey

New: Free Quarterly Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles!

ADVIP Members:

I am very pleased to announce that my contacts at Springer, publisher of the scholarly journal, Partner Abuse, have agreed to let ADVIP members download copies of one complimentary article each quarter.  If you go to our website, and click on the MEMBER BENEFITS section, look for the link to the journal discounts and free articles.  You will need to put in your ADVIP password, which is: evidence12.  I have gone ahead and back-dated several articles, so there are actually 4 articles available to you (see below). One new article will be available each quarter the next one in January, 2019.  And don’t forget about the great new podcast series, also available for free through the MEMBER BENEFITS area.  The latest podcast with Sandra Stith on couples counseling, is fantastic!

Quarterly Selections from the Peer-Reviewed Journal, Partner Abuse

FALL 2018
Vol. 9, Number 4: A phenomenological inquiry into men’s desistance from intimate partner
Vol. 9, No. 3: Patterns in controlling coercive behaviors among men mandated for batterer treatment.
Vol. 9, No. 2: Attachment security priming and domestic violence: Augmenting biopsychological treatment of perpetrators.
WINTER 2017-2018
Vol. 9, No. 1: Intimate partner perpetration: Moving toward a comprehensive conceptual framework.

Research Opportunity-Women’s batterer intervention best practices

I received an email requesting assistance from a researcher in Australia.  I offered to post her request in hopes there are others who can provide input into program development.

“I’m currently seeking treatment providers views about the treatment needs of women who use force in intimate relationships and what constitutes best practice in this area to help inform the development of an evidence based treatment program for such women fit for the Australian context, where no programs currently exist. I would be extremely grateful if you would complete my survey. It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and can be found at:

Kind regards Robyn Yaxley University of Tasmania”

Female Perpetrators: Treatment Needs and Best Practice Methods?

Members views on the treatment needs of female perpetrators and what constitutes best practice treatment methods in this area are currently being sought.

Your valuable input will help inform the development of an intervention program for female perpetrators in Australia, where no such programs currently exist for women.

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and can be found at:

Kind Regards

Robyn Yaxley